According to the World Dyslexia Association, Dyslexia is the condition affecting around 10% of kids across the world. It is fast becoming the major reason for their waste of potential as well as the loss of self-confidence. The most interesting fact about Dyslexia is that it is widely caused due to phonological and linguistic weaknesses and as per the recent studies in neurosciences there is a strong relationship between Dyslexia and Vision problems. Based on these studies new treatment methods were found which are delivering amazing results.
As per the Behavioral Optometrists, the Dyslexia can’t be addressed head-on, but it can be efficiently managed by educating the patients on how to control their visual difficulties. This visual therapy is prescribed to the patients improvises their eye coordination and also the mortar skills besides being support in managing their reading and spelling concerns.
How To Know If Your Kid Is Having Dyslexia And Vision Problems?
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Dyslexia And Vision
Most of the parents usually approach healthcare professionals to know if their kids are having Dyslexia and Vision problems, especially after noticing the symptoms that are commonly linked to Dyslexia.
What most of the parents don’t know is that the other vision problems can cause the same symptoms like Dyslexia and this may simply make them confused while seeking treatment. Therefore it is always necessary that parents must take their kids for a simple diagnosing session so that proper treatment can be prescribed to make a big difference in their vision quality. However, you need to understand that Dyslexia can’t be diagnosed, doctors can only treat the common vision errors and issues which can cause the same symptoms as Dyslexia in kids.
So, it is suggested that every kid that are having Dyslexia or similar symptoms may undergo a comprehensive vision skills assessment which can help them determine the status of their vision skills. If the doctor suspects the presence of Dyslexia, but not yet formally diagnosed then your kid may be referred to the psychologists, speech pathologists or the health practitioners. They can help them eliminate their learning challenges which they are bogged down with currently.
Most of the vision linked issues usually replicate the symptoms of Dyslexia can be treated efficiently with a combination of corrective glasses and individual vision therapy program designed to help kids to excel in areas where they have been struggling earlier.
Visual Factors In The Condition Of Dyslexia!
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Dyslexia And Vision
As per most of the healthcare professionals, the eyesight or visual factors are not actually the prime cause of Dyslexia in kids. But they have also confirmed that there are some visual errors that do occur more often among those being prone to falling prey to Dyslexia which can even contribute to reading difficulties. Most of these visual disorders are not detected easily with simple school eye tests. The common visual anomalies in Dyslexia are basically the minimized ability to focus on closer objects or unstable co-ordination of two eyes binocular instability. There are a variety of eye tests that can detect the binocular instability and the test also includes the modified Dunlop Test to confirm the presence of different eye disorders.
You need to understand that Dyslexia and Vision are not always co-related, there are some visual problems which are not actually related to Dyslexia. However, you may come across some eye disorders which are related to Dyslexia directly. Patients with a mild learning difficulty are not critical enough to be referred to as a patient of Dyslexia and they may not have any visual errors. Most of the visual errors can be treated with simple yet effective eye exercises and in most of cases, eyeglasses can solve many of the trivial eye disorders.
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