Everything about Delayed Language Development Treatment

Proper growth of the child means its overall growth in each and every aspect of life with the growing age. But, sometimes, you can find your child facing some understanding and speaking language problems. This is a problem known as delayed language development and it is being commonly seen nowadays. According to a research, 5-10% of preschool children have this problem. 

This problem can be a cause of hearing problem, thinking ability, or even some neural or brain issues but, there is no worry for that because there are treatments that will perfectly cure the issue. Let’s know about the symptoms and treatments of this delayed language development problem. 

Symptoms of Delayed Language Development: 

There are some symptoms of the disorder that will indicate your child needs a treatment. If your children have such symptoms then you need to consult a delayed language development therapist. 

  • Till 15 months of age your baby is not bubbling that is not a common thing to happen.
  • Your child has not started talking by the age of 2 years where generally children start talking within this age.
  • When you see your child is facing problems in expressing his or her thought in short sentence.
  • When communication to others the child is not interested of can’t understand other’s language.
  • One most common symptom is when your child is facing problems in understanding any direction or instruction.
  • Another symptom if when you see the child is leaving or not saying some words in a sentence.
  • Another common indication is when your child finds it difficult to place two words together in a sentence. 

Treatment of Delayed Language Development: 

The treatment for this problem is handled very much delicately. It has several steps such as diagnosis of the problem by some tests, assessment about the depth of the problem, and then planning its treatment procedure. 

After your child is getting assessed with the delayed language development problem, he or she will be referred to a speech pathologist. The speech pathologist will then go through a more detailed assessment process. Here the ability to understand any instruction or sentence and express a thought will be observed. The whole process will go through a verbal and non-verbal communication. Depending on this examination the depth of the problem will be understood and then the pathologists will define the process of the treatment. 

After thorough diagnosis of the delayed language development problem of your child, the pathologist will plan the treatment. It generally includes speech therapy and language therapy. The tenure of the treatment depends on the depth of the problem, the age of the child, and his or her physical and mental condition. However, these treatments are known as the most effective treatments and you can prevent such speech problems of your children if you attend such sessions at their early age. 


Delayed language development is become a common problem nowadays and more children are diagnosed with it. Generally the causes are defined as physical and mental but a possible cause to this problem in convenient society can be extreme use of gadgets from early ages. Lack of physical activities that are required for their overall growth can develop such speech problems. 

However, make sure that you find a certified and experienced pathologist for your child because this thing is needed to be treated in proper ways. You can search such speech therapists online and choose the best one based on their reviews. Even, you can also consult a speech therapist online and take his or her online sessions to save your time.

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