Look Younger with The Revolutionary PDO Mono Threads

A reduction in the production rates of collagen and elastin is a common part of the natural aging process. The deficiency of these essential proteins causes sagging skin along with wrinkles. If you are not ready yet to accept these signs of aging, you can undergo the treatment using mono threads, which will certainly rejuvenate the skin. There are always a danger of getting disfigured if you go under surgical procedure. Prevent yourself from getting involved with unlicensed people.

Advantages Of Getting Micro Threading Done:

There many are many reasons why people are wanting to opt for a less painful treatment for their skin and not go for the regular plastic surgery. Some of the benefits are mentioned below:

A Non-Surgical Alternative

Mono-threading is a common term nowadays that people are searching for safer and non-surgical options for skin lifting and skin tightening. 

  • The manufacturers create these threads by dissolving a substance called polydioxanone.
  • Medical experts will weave the threads through your sub dermal layer of the skin in a mesh-like pattern, 
  • Also polydioxanone will dissolve as your body destroys the thread and replace them with new collagen fibres. 
Mono Threads

Skin Tightening 

As the mono threads cause contraction of the fat tissue, you can notice instant skin tightening. The process promotes collagen production and also triggers neovascularization to renew your skin at the microscopic cellular level. The expected result? It can be appreciable changes like:

  • Fewer lines on the skin
  • No wrinkles
  • Elasticity of skin
  • Enhance the texture of the skin

Skin experts classify the threads of the thread listing procedures into two broad categories, namely, Cog and Mono. 

Convenient Treatment Procedure

Earlier, the dermatologists felt that the Cog threads were far more effective than the mono threads. But as technology developed, recent studies proved that thread lift techniques are better for specific areas. Experts can insert the thread applying the right technique in the correct layers, you can see the positive results even faster. There is a reduced chance of permanent damage and you will be safe when you visit a trusted surgeon.

Mechanism Of Treatment

The PDO threads of monotype will draw the sagging tissues inward instead of pulling them along the direction. It will also cause contraction and proliferation of the fibrotic tissues. 

As a result, the size of the bulging fat will decrease dramatically and cause skin tightening. 

  • The PDO mono threads boost the production of nascent fibrotic tissues connected to the existing surrounding fibrotic tissues. Hence, the texture of the subcutaneous fibrous connective tissue will become stronger and denser.
  • Insertion of the PDO threads underneath your skin will cause the formation of myofibroblasts around the threads, causing contraction of the tissues. This is the reason for inward-pulling in some of the clients. 
  • There will be a significant improvement in the skin environment along with an increment in the size of the capillaries.
Mono Threads

Experience Of The Practitioner

The general idea is to place the mono threads in the deeper layers of the dermis for effective results. But it will be successful only when the practitioners understand the mechanism of the procedure thoroughly and know the exact depth for the particular sections of the body.

  • Jawline:

The PDO threads will pass in the pattern of waves through the subcutaneous fat layers as well as the SMAS layers to enhance the areas under cover of the threads. You can now get a more defined jawline as the threads will undergo fibrosis while the threads dissolve over time. 

  • Jowl

The PDO mono threads can create the right anatomical changes when the specialist considers the anatomy of your face. Denaturation of fat and inducing fibrosis are the primary effects of the procedure that will help to enhance the side effects. 

Nevertheless, it will take only 15 minutes to half an hour to execute the PDO thread lift. There will be variations depending on individual clients. You can go back to the normal routine immediately. Unlike the traditional procedures, there is no downtime or recovery period due to the simplicity of the procedure. 

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