How to Conduct Asbestos Check?

Asbestos is usually found in old buildings and joints of old equipment. Inhalation of asbestos is not good for our health and we need to conduct an asbestos check in our home to prevent various health hazards. When you start feeling nail deformities and chest pain then you need to visit your doctor whether you inhaled any type of asbestos material or not.

Nowadays asbestos minerals or fiber are not usually seen but in old building works you can see a large amount of asbestos substance present in tiles, doors etc. Regularly exposing yourself to asbestos material can cause lung cancer because of continuous chest pain. If you are visiting a house which is prone to asbestos material then you should wear a mask because if you take a breath there it will be very dangerous for you as a great amount of asbestos fiber will be inhaled by you. You should regularly use vacuum cleaners to clean your house daily so that you can reduce the chances of asbestos material.
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How to Conduct Asbestos Check?

Asbestos is not only found in the United States of America but it is also found in most of the homes in Australia. You need to check with Municipal Corporation whether your house was built before 1986 if yes then you need to call a professional for asbestos testing. If your house is built after 1986 then also you should search for asbestos material. It is not recommended for you to do asbestos check yourself because it involves health risk but if you follow strict guidelines then you can perform this check.

You should check your bathroom and kitchen to find the products which are prone to asbestos minerals. You just need to check the window fencing whether asbestos material is there or not. You can also check gutters and splashbacks in wet areas to find asbestos. Don’t forget to check the window putty and back side of electrical meter boards.

If you still not have assurance whether asbestos material is present in your home or not then you are recommended to call a licensed asbestos assessor who will come and conduct a complete inspection of your property.

If you are buying a new property then you are recommended to get an asbestos survey to know about asbestos-containing minerals. The government also give free subsidies to get the asbestos test. You should use government-funded programs to conduct an asbestos check in your home.

Now after reading the above content you must be thinking that who is qualified enough to conduct this asbestos check?
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Who Can Perform Asbestos Check?

If you don’t know anything about asbestos-containing minerals then you should not try to conduct a check in your home at all.

If you have prior knowledge and experience to work with ACM samples and you know what to do with them then you are eligible enough to perform an asbestos survey.

In big cities, you will find hygienists who are working in this industry and they are promoted by state and central governments to conduct asbestos surveys free of costs from time to time.

After reading this article you must have understood that asbestos removal is very important in a country like Australia because you would not like to live in a house where there are lots of asbestos products are used. Asbestos-containing minerals can be anywhere in an Australian home so it is recommended to get the asbestos check done in your home to prevent any type of health hazard. You should only call a licensed asbestos assessor to perform these checks. 
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